Alex Tew created his new project – Pixelotto.
I’ve tweaked original MDHP scripts to produce Pixelotto versions of the graphs as well:

I hope this time I’ll be given some credit over these graphs if they’ll be used on Alex’s site.
In this category I’m posting developments in Million Dollar Fan Club and general thought about Million Dollar Home Page
Alex Tew created his new project – Pixelotto.
I’ve tweaked original MDHP scripts to produce Pixelotto versions of the graphs as well:
I hope this time I’ll be given some credit over these graphs if they’ll be used on Alex’s site.
Look like Alex Tew has no regrets about not mentioning my name next to animated image of MillionDollarHomePage history clearly “inspired” by my idea.
My last email in our discussion about this issue wasn’t returned and Alex’s blog is getting new updates clearly dropping this issue. I hope his brother Nick who I was communicating with is realising how unfair it is and how little I’m asking for (just my name next to the picture).
I don’t even know what to say except for “no good”.
What would you recommend me to do?
I’ve decided to start blogging about Million Dollar Home Page idea and my site dedicated to it – Million Dollar Fan Club.
Main idea of this site was to help everybody including myself to analize the phenomenal power of Alex Tew’s idea.
I’ve tried to create some tools that shown the progress and performance of the site and now when sales stage is over it’s quite interesting to look at those graphs.