Instructable: Party top-hat made of playing cards

Top hat made of playing cardsIt might sound strange but I’m not only doing computer stuff (although it takes most of my life) – today I published my first instructable – Party top-hat made of playing cards.

I’ve been collecting playing cards for a long time and being interested in DIY (being subscribed to MAKE Magazine was probably my biggest acheivement so far), I thought it’ll be a great project because playing cards are also a great material (no, I don’t use collectable cards).

Take a look – I also did it as an experiment trying writing manuals/educational stuff (all of us have weak areas they have to work on).

Back from Syndicate


Event type: Conference

Date: 2006-05-23

I’m back from the conference. It was quite interesting even though everything looked like early stage for the business.

I loaded my new iPod Video with Rocketboom, installed structured blogging wordpress plugin for this blog and gave away some Feed Friends business cards.

Now it’s time to get more hands dirty with Feed Friends guts – more features to come.

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