Bre Pettis posted my playing cards top-hat project on MAKE blog.
Pixelotto graphs got added
Alex Tew created his new project – Pixelotto.
I’ve tweaked original MDHP scripts to produce Pixelotto versions of the graphs as well:

I hope this time I’ll be given some credit over these graphs if they’ll be used on Alex’s site.
Today is a TechPresentations day – I published two presentations about Google infrastructure systems (an overview and BigTable) and one about Ubuntu Linix by its founder, Mark Shuttleworth who sold Thawte to Verisign and became second space tourist (I thought he was first).
Fixed multiple tags bug in XML::RSS::LibXML
I fixed annoying bug in XML::RSS::LibXML which rendered multiple tags as one tag with value of ARRAY(…).
It was most often seen when multiple categories were assigned to feed item but affected all duplicate tags (I fixed similar problem specifically with enclosures earlier).
Hope that will not break feeds any more.
Old servers are disabled now
Just a note: I didn’t see any records in access logs on old server for a while and disabled all fetching on old servers as well as web site instances.
It should not affect anybody except those site owners who’s feeds fetcher was double-crawling – now it’ll only do it once.
Let me know if you’ll have any problems getting your feeds.