Tools of the trade

Sergey Chernyshev

What is performance?

Why do we need to care?

Backend & Frontend

DataBase performance

For MySQL, read 15 Ways to Kill Your MySQL Application Performance by Jay Pipes at PHP Tek 2007
* Optimizing Queries with EXPLAIN
** MySQL Query Cache Configuration
*** MySQL Data Types


Compiled code is faster then interpreted

* APC at Facebook by Brian M. Shire and Facebook Performance Caching by Lucas Nealan at PHP Tek 2008

Cache & static files

Front-end: Start Here!

Amount of media and requests per page grew exponentially.

1995 - 2008
Growth of the Average Web Page (1995 - 2008)
* Average Web Page Size Triples Since 2003, as of end of 2007 (via Nicole Sullivan)

Front-end: Start Here!

Top 1000 Home pages, growth in just 1.5 years.

Jun 2006 - Jan 2008
Growth of the Average Top 1000 Home Page (June 2006 - January 2008)
* Average Web Page Size Triples Since 2003, as of end of 2007 (via Nicole Sullivan)

Amazon Waterfall!

Amazon Waterfall

CNN Waterfall!

CNN Waterfall

What's going on? Analytical tools

What's going on? Monitoring tools

JS, CSS, Images

Content Compressors

CSS Sprites

More info

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Licensing & Attribution

Tools of the trade by Sergey Chernyshev
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license available here.

Creative Commons License